Recent Hints

No more shopping lists with free app

We have eliminated paper shopping lists by using a free app called Our Groceries. You can link the app via entering one email address, so everyone who does the shopping at your house has the up to date grocery list at any time. The best thing is, you can customise the list to be very specific about what you want. There is a paid version of the app but we have been successfully using the free version and love it. No more wasted paper and no more forgetting things as the list is always with us!

By: Sam 15 responses in the members' forum

Lose weight, save money and reduce waste with friends

Our group of friends have learned there are many more benefits to being health conscious than just losing weight! We first started getting together to try and lose weight after Christmas. My friends went with the keto diet and I chose intermittent fasting. Of course, everyone needs to make sure they are medically safe and that whatever you choose suits you, as well as being mindful that children have different needs.

Having company certainly helps with motivation as we meet for coffee most mornings and compare notes. A bonus from this however, aside from losing weight and feeling much better, is that our grocery bills are a fraction of the usual. I am so pleased to see money left in my account on pay day! One friend reported that for her and her husband the usual spend at Harris Farm was over $200. Now it is under $40. I am single so used to spend around $100 a week on groceries and another $100 plus going out. Now I am down to $60 a week all up!

The other issue for me was waste. I would regularly buy whatever took my eye and it would go off in the fridge. Now I make a list (amazing how that works) and only buy enough for my meals. For example, I buy one zucchini instead of a bag full. I find grating some colourful veggies such as carrot, zucchini, yellow squash and red capsicum makes the meal interesting and seems bigger somehow. I get the ALDI salmon OR the chicken thighs - not both like before! - and either of these will last me for over a week.

Buying fresh produce is much cheaper and better than packets. The diet has reduced my appetite, so I can afford to buy smaller pieces of meat of higher quality. It takes some organisation but is so worth it. Training yourself to eat less certainly helps the budget. There are some good resources on intermittent fasting on the Internet and Dr Michael Mosley's book. My friends are using The Power of Protein. I also found a guy who appeared on The Doctors, who has created the Snake Diet, although that's a little extreme for me!

By: Pauline Nolan


Hottest Hints

Make your own chicken nuggets

Follow Jamie Oliver's example and make your own chicken nuggets - it's healthier and cheaper! We used to buy the cheap brands of chicken nuggets but after realising how much of their content was fat/skin/fillers and other unmentionables, we switched to only buying breast nuggets or pieces. However, this soon proved really expensive and they often still have fillers. So I came up with a better way and found this home-made version is much tastier too!

Buy chicken breast fillets or tenderloins on special - I usually get them for between $9 and $10 a kilo. If using breast fillets, slice them into smaller and thinner pieces. Remove the tenderloin as one piece, then fillet the chicken into similar sized bits. Dip them in melted butter, then roll in breadcrumbs (press on firmly). I often use hot and spicy breadcrumbs, or stuffing mixes to add more flavour to the crumbs, but you can just use leftover stale bread crumbed in the food processor and save even more money! Layer the chicken in baking paper, then cover in plastic and freeze until frozen. Remove and separate into ziplock bags or suitable storage container.

When ready to cook, place in preheated oven and bake at approximately 200°C for half an hour, depending on the size of the pieces. Small boxes of prepared commercial fillet pieces/tenderloins cost approximately $7.00 for as little as 400g. In comparison, a one-kilo batch for $10 makes at least three times that amount - and without any junk fillers, additives and skin!

By: Ezri 14 responses in the members' forum

Inexpensive egg McMuffins

For a great-tasting, quick, healthy and inexpensive breakfast, make your own egg McMuffins.

Fry six eggs, using egg rings, (if you don't have any, check your local discount store), fry bacon if you wish, and toast your muffins. Once all ingredients are cooked, assemble egg McMuffins, including sliced cheese and bacon if you like.

Once assembled, wrap each muffin in alfoil and freeze. In the morning, simply take the muffin from the freezer and cook in a moderate oven for 20 minutes. For an even quicker breakfast, unwrap from alfoil and wrap in paper-towel. Place in microwave for at least one minute, depending on microwave.

My kids love these for breakfast, and they only cost around $0.60c each!

I buy Home Brand English Muffins which are around $1.60.

By: Jennelle Dupuy 54 responses in the members' forum
