Recent Hints

A bitter end for bitten nails

To stop biting nails for once and for all, try bitter nail polish. There are a few brands that can easily be purchased in Australia. I’m not a nail biter myself but I worked with someone who used it. The polish tasted so awful so she simply stopped putting them in her mouth and eventually the habit was broken! Check out these links for more information on available products:

By: Donna Pierson

Make every cake of soap last twice as long

To make a cake of soap last twice as long, simply paint the top or bottom with some PVA wood glue and let dry. Doing this means only one side of the soap dissolves, enabling the cake to last double the time. I paint the top side of the cakes of soap when we bring them home. Sometimes my granddaughter even glues a pretty picture to the side!

By: Mick Watterson 3 responses in the members' forum


Hottest Hints

Dinner for two for under $25

Try this impressive five star dinner for any special occasion (perfect for Valentine's Day!) for under $25!

This Valentine's Day, instead of the obligatory card swapping and outrageously priced meals at restaurants, my husband and I decided to make a concerted effort and have dinner at home.

He wanted to suprise me by serving Chateaubriand (eye fillet steak with Bearnaise sauce), which he adores. I, in turn wanted to make him Tiramisu, which has always been his favourite.

While he was out shopping, I whipped up dessert and then locked myself in the study.

After searching the Internet for intimate dinner ideas, I found every possible candle in the house and arranged them throughout our dining & lounge area!

Church candles on candlesticks and on plain white saucers, a runway of 15 tealights on gold tulle ribbon along the middle of the dinner table and on various other side tables and shelves (from my '$6.95-for-100' pack I bought at the Warehouse three years ago and am still using)!

I set the table for two and found some Miles Davis jazz CDs, bought from the Sanity bargain boxes for $6.99 each.

I then went back to my PC and set about writing not a Valentine's card, but a Valentine letter, which I bordered with clipart from a free site. After two pages, I knew that my words were more personal than any Hallmark card, and also it saved me $5.95.

I lit the candles, put on the music and our room had transformed with all the ambience of a private dining suite at a five star restaurant. My husband was lost for words!

Dinner and conversation was wonderful and during the night, our discussion turned to the cost - and saving - of our meal and we both agreed that it was far better to have stayed in than gone out.

Chateaubriand normally costs between $60-$70 for two; ours cost a grand total of $20.45 for two, including vegetables. We could have easily served three from it.

Tiramisu can cost between $7.50 up to $15 each at a restaurant. I bought the ingredients for half the recipe I found and at a total of $7.34, I still made 4 serves ($1.84 each).

Our wine was chosen from our wine rack, saved from previous dinners and occasions, saving us up to $40 on a restaurant bottle.

Altogether, our 'restaurant' dinner cost us $24.12, as opposed to a potential bill of up to $120 if we had dined out. We further saved on fuel, parking and a babysitter as the baby was home with us (asleep).

With the time we saved on travelling, we continued to talk, dance and enjoy each others company without any interruption.

The letter I wrote my husband brought him to a tear, and us just a little closer. As I sat there I realised the effort and surprise we gave to one another was priceless!

By: Samantha O'sullivan 3 responses in the members' forum

Exercise has financial rewards

I pay myself to exercise! Now, you may wonder how that actually saves me money. Because my exercise is free, usually walking with a friend or working out to DVDs I've received as gifts, I don’t have to buy expensive exercise clothes or pay for a gym membership. And paying myself to exercise? That gives me motivation. I started with $1.00 for every day I exercised, and increased it to $2.00 a day - still cheaper per week than a single exercise class or gym membership! I wait until I have enough money for a facial or massage, and treat myself.

I find that the end goal of some pampering really works as an incentive to keep exercising. Prior to this, I never let myself splurge on those sort of things. I am now happier, healthier and far more relaxed!

By: Jo Hardy
