Wendy F

2019 Braver, Stronger, Smarter

Posted January 13th, 2019

Hi. Yes I decided to keep going. As the title suggests, I want to be braver, stronger and smarter then last year. Already feel that I have been getting stronger, braver and smarter but obviously had some downfalls last year. But I feel I am on the right track and my DōTERRA business has given me a purpose and the willingness to push new boundaries. I want to be able to celebrate my successes, not just what I managed to screw up.

First week of the new year has been bit of a blur. How often did I use that term last year? But I have been very productive. Extra family staying over Christmas left on New Years Day. I have managed to undecorate the Christmas tree and pack decorations away, packed room decorations away, washed extra bed linen used plus washed nearly all of our winter bedding, so doona and cover and blanket from our bedroom, girls bedrooms, spent 2 hours with both girls emptying out their wardrobes and drawers and ended up with big piles of clothing no longer wanted. Disappointed that so many items bought for DD14 for birthdays or general were not wanted. A dress jumper I was so sure she would appreciate to be given from DMIL but no. A jumper I wanted for myself in that perfect shade, perfect chenille wool that I can wear as I cannot wear proper wool but I bought it for her in smallest lady size. That cleanout promoted an extra tonne of soaking and washing and I was so over washing but got it done and now am back to normal. Have managed 2 extra loads of pillows and love that new machine bought in Dec can take bigger items so I don't have to lug down to laundry.

Have been using early morning time when would normally be getting girls ready for school, making lunches etc for catching up on paperwork in study. Worked through OT bills and matched up health insurance claims which took more reconciling than I expected. Found one not claimed (still not done), one paid twice to credit card, one not paid so evened out. For 5 bills, it took ages. Next day checked orders and took out anything finished with. That might have happened in Dec while family was still here.

I do know that once family left, I got stuck into working. If I didn't have time in the day I worked after dinner. I did 2 nights in a row but realised I was pushing too hard. Nearly named this blog "and she pushed" but that isn't entirely appropriate! Now I am trying to work 3 hrs per day but some days like today I was out too much to do anything and I spent early morning processing receipts. Yes I know, still trying to juggle too many balls but will do so until I get the business going to the point that I have to drop some balls. I spent last 6 months making notes and prepping documents but not actually preparing. Have made a little headway in that but my priority is still trying to get my mountain of training notes sorted so I can actually use what is in there, checklists drawn up. I finished my host letter and "you have oils, now what?" letter late last night and I am glad they are done, but also proud of them. Yes they were taken from other people but I found the suggested recipes to go in the host letter that aren't too alternative. I do have a bad habit of not wanting to use other people's work and create my own from scratch (have always done that with any printable I found online whether it was to be paid for or free and I think "I can create that". I do love creating documents and formatting and so on so it is a nice part of my business. Must be because my first job was graphic design, working for printer and newspaper publisher so I prepared newspaper layout and business card and invoice design etc. Only problem now is our whole business is supposed to be duplicable and easy for someone else to follow. But I feel if I can do the hard work, I can give to my builders when I actually get some!

Today was only typing from scribbled notes from various training. Separating into topics and I am finding it is less murky than in a big file even with sections. Found some good info today and typing up like index cards but A5 cut in half. Make sure it easy to find info at hand but will see how much I get through. Making up checklists and to do lists as I sort through so feel like I am being a bit more productive than last years standing wondering what I have to do. Got DD14 to make up 1ml sample bottles with 10 drops of oil for going into host bags (for making their food with essential oils to supply on the day) and I realised I had told her lemon, lavender and peppermint but should have been wild orange not lavender. Only had enough bottles for 3 of each so bit peeved off at myself. Rushing as usual.

I discovered on FB that female staff that took over my job has moved away from Perth. Not that I expect to get a call asking me back but I decided today no way will I return. This is far less stress for me, will build and already has built my confidence and I love the work. Beats chasing debtors.

I haven't had any big meltdowns but have had a few upsets. One of my biggest frustrations is that DH does not talk. I read on the Love Languages email last week that people who don't like to talk are usually attracted to those who do like to talk and they think oh that's good, I don't have to make conversation. The person who does like to talk thinks the other person is a good listener. Well I have neither a good talker or a good listener. I knew he was making an effort so I decided to tell him I had worked really hard on time blocking that day. Oh, what's time blocking? Where you block a certain amount of time to work on a particular job so you can focus on only that instead of everything else you need to work on. Oh yeah, I do that, block off my calendar. Yes but not a whole day. I got upset. I was already tired, feeling down & every time I manage to do something new he has already done it, knows it back to front. So no recognition that I am trying to change my ways.

I thought it had to be hourly but I watched a video that suggested 3 hrly - morning, afternoon, evening plus after kids to bed. So I tried it and I got a solid 3hrs work done. Was late in starting and missed my morning routine as I had a stupidly bad nights sleep and didn't start my day until 930am. But I can allow time for housework and home paperwork for an hour each after school then work until school pickup time.

Will be trying to re-commence classes in Feb but at the moment have bankrupted my business account. Had hoped to run first MOO Cleaners class but still need more supplies.

Well, had better get moving. We go away tomorrow for a week so you will already have a break from me. Been madly tidying up ready for cleaner tomorrow morning. Reorganised DD11's bedroom shelves so hopefully less stuff on floor. Easy dinner of frozen pies, sausage rolls etc tonight. Don't have to leave early but still got lots to do in the morning.


Luv Wendy

Blog Posts by Wendy F

January 2019
  • 2019 Braver, Stronger, Smarter
January 2018
  • 2018 Life is Tough But So Am I
January 2017
  • 2017 One Day At A Time
January 2016
  • 2016 Expect The Unexpected
February 2015
  • 2015 - 365 Days to fix my lifel
January 2014
  • 2014 Hoping Will be better than 2013
July 2013
  • Our business investment proposal
June 2013
  • Financial New Year's Eve & A Resolution To Be Better 2013/2014
March 2013
  • How Do SAHMs make themselves do their jobs?
February 2013
  • Today is going downhill
January 2013
  • The Expected Challenges of 2013 (sorry this is long)
  • My Meal Plan to 31st January