at 10am, after a diagnostic period lasting 11 months, I begin chemotherapy.

[This is long. Coffee and a cut lunch may be needed.]

Chemo and 2 targeted treatments will be given for 12 months. Probably in February, treatment will pause for the removal of a breast and some lymph nodes. Radiation will round out the treatment.

The cancers are breast cancer and Paget's Disease of the breast. The breast cancer is invasive. The tumour and nipple cancer is aggressive (Her2+). All 4 quadrants of the breast have cancer and pre-cancerous activity. The tumour is 2.5cm long. Cancer has reached one lymph node under my arm. It is classified as Stage 3 cancer.

I didn't feel a lump, and hadn't undertaken a routine BreastScreen.

In April 2023, I noticed a crust on my nipple.

Thinking it was a dermatitis, I applied moisturiser (Neutrogena Norwegian formula hand cream - it fixes everything, right?). I applied it day and night for 4 months with no change.

By August 2023, the nipple cracked and leaked. The leakage would dry onto my bra or shirt. When I removed my clothing, it would rip open my nipple.

This happened for two weeks. On a Monday in August, the moment I woke and opened my eyes, I immediately had a thought: could these be symptoms of breast cancer?

I scurried to my computer to google, as you do, and yes!, they could indeed be symptoms of breast cancer. I kind of knew ...

It was very early in the morning, but my son came out. He had just turned 17. He asked me what was wrong. I said, "I think I have symptoms of breast cancer." We both burst into tears.

Later that morning, I phoned BreastScreen ACT to book a mammogram. Because I had symptoms, they wouldn't see me, advising me that I required a Diagnostic Mammogram. Something told me that was going to be expensive. How little I knew about the costs ahead.

I was seeing my doctor on the Wednesday that week for iron infusions. I asked for a referral, and was able to make an appointment at an I-med diagnostic clinic for that Friday. It was my birthday.

I-med insisted that I would also need an ultrasound.

I had always been terrified of having a mammogram, and burst into tears the moment I walked in. The technician was incredibly gentle with my body and my soul. She was able to completely avoid the painful nipple area. My nipple was visibly disintegrating and houses many many nerve endings. The tech showed her supervisor the images, and returned to do more. I knew; I just knew.

The ultrasound tech had to run the transducer probe over the nipple again and again and again. It was torture. He was lovely, and apologised, giving as much verbal comfort as he could. I asked him if he thought there was cancer. He said that there were two areas of concern.

A week later, the two areas were biopsied. The technician's bedside manner was unacceptable and the procedures were painful. It was a gun biopsy, and he didn't warn me about the loud sound or violent vibration. I felt frayed. A few days later, my GP received the report "non-cancerous calcification". So, no cancer. Hmmm.

GP started me on 3 lots of antibiotics over the course of a couple of months. A staph infection had been detected and later cleared. The antibiotics had no effect on the visibly-suspect painful nipple.

Thankfully, DH found silicone breast shields; and I think these have prevented infection, and allowed me to successfully wear clothing. The only time that I don't wear one is when I'm showering.

GP started me on topical steroid cream. After 12 weeks, there was no real improvement, though sometimes the skin almost closed up again. Mostly it's been an 'open wound' (ulcer) since August.

Towards the end of January, GP said that he didn't know what was wrong with me, and knew that I needed a specialist. He couldn't send me to a Breast Surgeon as they only do cancer.

My 'father', a close friend who lives in a nursing home, is a retired doctor (he was a sex doctor) and pharmacologist. He urged me to go to a Plastic Surgeon. GP agreed, and I asked to go through the public system.

Mid-April. I'm sitting topless on the examination table, and the Plastic Surgeon comes blustering in donning his gloves. He takes one look at me, and says: you have Paget's Disease with underlying breast cancer. Sorry that we've wasted your time. I'll send your file to the Breast Surgery department.

After 3 weeks of not hearing from Breast Surgery, I phoned around trying to find my file. Plastics had lost it. My GP lit a fire, the file was found, and I had my first consultation with the Breast Surgeon.

Breast Surgeon and Registrar looked at the film that I had brought from my August I-med appointment. They turned to me, and asked, "What does the report mean, 'non-cancerous calcification'? There is cancer here, here, here, and here", pointing to various 'spots'.

On-the-spot, I am given a biopsy in my nipple. There are no polite words to describe this special experience. Paget's is confirmed.

I am sent for an MRI.

The results of the MRI reveal a 2.5cm tumour, not previously noticed by anyone; cancer in a lymph node; and cancerous and pre-cancerous cells (DCIS) are throughout the entire breast.

Surgery is scheduled for the end of July.

[The thought of surgery has been, by far, the worst part of this experience. The thought of a mastectomy was both grotesque and ghastly to me. I wished that I would die on the operating table. But then I gained perspective. Is losing a breast really the worst thing that could happen to me? Losing an eye; losing a limb; burns all over my body; and paralysis are all worse than losing a breast. I began to accept and psychologically deal with it.]

I am sent for two more biopsies - on the tumour and lymph node. "Markers" are implanted at the same time. An artery is accidentally cut. A 7' tall nurse comes in to "apply pressure" to the hematoma in order to prevent swelling. Weeks later, I am still bruised. The nurse might be the biggest person that I've ever seen, and he did his job rigorously. There was no swelling, and I am surprised that the breast remained on my chest.

The results are all bad news. Surgery is now delayed; chemo will start first.

I am sent for an appointment to an Oncologist.

I am sent for an appointment to a heart specialist.

I am sent to the dentist.

I am advised that I will lose every hair on my body, and it is recommended that I cut my hair short, followed by a buzz cut, followed by a complete shave.

The Canberra Hospital has long had the longest waiting lists in the country. So far, all of the diagnostics were done in private clinics; most were not covered by bulk-billing despite being ordered through the Breast Surgery department.

I also learn that not all treatment at the public hospital is free. One dose of one of the two targeted medications cost $6,000. I need 6 doses. The company that supplies the drug will cover the cost of the five treatments, if I pay for the first one. Turns out, $6K is a bargain basement price; it used to cost $100K. Breast Nurse tells me that it is known as the 'mortgage medication' because women had to mortgage their homes to pay for it.

There is also a monthly cost for I-don't-know what. We're up to about $10K out-of-pocket so far, and if all goes well, hope to keep all costs within $25K.

Reconstruction. It may be possible to have reconstruction at the time of surgery or it may not. Advice is that most patients require a replacement implant two years after the first one anyway because radiation therapy buggers up the implant or supporting tissue or both. At some point though, patients lose their category one status, and there are years of waiting before reconstruction is offered.

Anyway, I regard many Simple Savers as 'friends', and wanted to tell you my story. It may serve as a warning or guidepost for your own experience one day. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Right now, I am without fear and anxiety. I'm just getting on with it. I'm yet to deal with I-med.

I welcome any advice.

. . .. hair .. short hair .. buzz cut ..


Help with the recipe indexes please for iPad and iPhone


Help thread for finding threads if you can't find them! - Links only.


It's about time I updated this blog here.

As it was September 2011 since I lasted post, not that I have been around the place just not writing here. What have I been up to you may ask!

There are a few indexes that I keep tabs on and making a few recipe threads while I am at it.

Here is the list of some of threads that I have put indexes into or keep tabs on for updated.


Indexes that I have index are many, here are a few of them and a lot are in the older threads grouping now which may have links in the Grocery Challenge threads that I put up each month.

Here is a list of some the indexes that I have made over the years.
These links will take you to the page that my index is on first.

Ctrl +F the recipe or ingredient in box that comes up then click through the pages until find what you are looking for. I do make these indexes for 100 page viewing.

Note: Where you see **** I didn't post the index, someone else has done so.

24/10/2014 revamped - 10/12/2018 updated

To date 1/1/2020 - 637 indexes

26/10/2021 - 734 indexes

9/8/2022 - 760 indexes

24/2/2023 - 780 indexes


NEW Series 2017

MASTER INDEX for Aisle by Aisle - Making Staples trying to Starve Woolworths

Paula Nowicki effort in Trying to Starve Woolworths - RECIPES

REFRIGERATED GOODS - Aisle by Aisle - Making Staples trying to Starve Woolworths

PRESERVES - Aisle by Aisle - Making Staples trying to Starve Woolworths

DRY MIX - SAUCES - NOODLES - Aisle by Aisle - Making Staples trying to Starve Woolworths

SMOKING - MEATS - MARINADE Aisle by Aisle - Making Staples trying to Starve Woolworths

DRINKS - Aisle by Aisle - Making Staples trying to Starve Woolworths.

BAKING and COOKING - Aisle by Aisle - Making Staples trying to Starve Woolworths

CAKES AND SWEET BISCUITS Aisle by Aisle - Making Staples trying to Starve Woolworths

DESSERTS Aisle by Aisle - Making Staples trying to Starve Woolworths

MEALS - Aisle by Aisle - Making Staples trying to Starve Woolworths

CONFECTIONERY - SNACK FOOD - Aisle by Aisle - Making Staples trying to Starve Woolworths

PETS - NON FOOD - MISC Aisle by Aisle - Making Staples to try Starve Woolworths

Current Link - Making staples to try and starve Woolworths 12 - SW/14


Waste Not, Want Not Recipe Book - see Downloads

Waste Not Want Not Recipes 2011 thread link

Waste Not, Want Not Recipes - 2 2014

War time Recipes

MASTER INDEX for Going Lower Recipes Files 2019

Recipes from 'How Low Can You Go' - # 1

Recipes from 'How Low Can You Go' - # 2 [This one now has all links to the Series on page one]

Recipes from 'How low can you go?' - # 3

Recipes from 'How low can you go?' - # 4

Recipes from 'How low can you go?' - # 5

Recipes from 'How low can you go?' - # 6

Recipes from 'How low can you go?' - #7

Recipes from 'How low can you go?' - #8

Recipes from 'How low can you go?' - #9 < current thread


Cooking for 2 - please put recipes here 2013

Cooking along with Cooee - Recipes 2017 - now deleted

Famous Simple Savings Recipe Collection 2018 < Old favourites here.


How to use and make meals and baking using products instructions and labels check it out.

Seasonal and Party Recipes - Ann Westerman

Recipe thread - Ann Westerman

Recipes - Ann Westerman - everyday MK 2

Recipes - Ann Westerman - everyday MK 3

Ideas for leftover roast turkey 2007 - Ann Westerman

Collection of Recipes from Packaging and Labels 2018


Sara of Nonsuch Garden - What your favourite recipes or posts of, 2017

Ann Westerman - What your favourite recipes or posts of, 2017

Poppet - Carol H. - What your favourite recipes or posts of, 2017

Lesley Forster - What are your favourite recipes or posts of, 2017


Missing recipes here

Kimmie's Missing recipes here 2

Kimmie's missing recipes here 3

For Kim (S&K) - Recipes 2007

Kimmie's meal planning according to season 2008

Mim's and Kim's SS Forum Cafe...come on in - closed 2008

Mim's and Kim's SS Forum Cafe - new's pretty! - closed 2008

Mim's and Kim's forum cafe - ooh lah lah - come on in! 2010

Mim's and Kim's forum cafe index to the threads! 2010 Mimi index ****

Keeping my sanity & savings (as a single on a budget) 2008 [5 Kimmies rec]

Kimmie can you plan my meals!!! 2008 [6 Kimmies rec]

I've been told I'm boring :( - 2008 [6 Kimmies rec]


Camelot's food recipes

Camelot's recipes (2)

Camelot recipes No. 3

Camelot's recipes (4)

Camelot's recipes No 5

Camelot's recipe No. 6- #2

Christmas Recipes in Camelot 2013


Hoarders Anonymous - Recipes 2016

All Recipes from the Under $100 Group

All recipes from the $100/wk groceries group - Mk 2

$125 a week 2022 challenge - Mum of 5 2021

MASTER INDEX for $21 Challenges and Grocery Challenges 2019

Recipes from $21 Challenges -2009

Recipes from $21 Challenges - 2011

Recipes from $21 Challenges and Grocery Challenges 2014

Recipes from $21 Challenges and Grocery Challenges 2015

Recipes from $21 Challenges and grocery challenges 2016 + 2017

Recipes from $21 Challenges and grocery challenges 2018 + 2021

Recipes from $21 Challenges and Grocery Challenges 2023 + < current thread

National $21 Challenge Month recipes with index

$21 Challenge breakfasts and lunches 2007

Cheap and easy pasta recipes from pantry for $21 challenge 2006


Aussie slow cooker recipes 2007

Your favourite slow cooker recipe? 2007

Deluxe Crockpot Breaky! 2008 Kimmie

Slow cooker recipes book 2 2009 [same as the download] Poppet's Index ****

Shelly's 470 Crockpot Recipes Index by Categories ( A special index for 470 Shelley's crockpot / slow cooker recipes)

Beef crockpot recipes - low fat, low carb 2011

Slow Cooker Kid Friendly Recipe? 2011

Favourite slow cooker recipe ? 2017

What is in your crockpot/slowcooker today? 2010

What is in your slow cooker/crockpot today? #2 2011

What is in your slow cooker/crockpot today? #3 2012

What is in your slow cooker/crockpot today? #4 2013

How to cook lamb shanks in slow cooker? 2017


"Decluttering How many different ways to use 1 appliance?" 2009


$30,000 saved in one year 2003

Healthy snacks for toddler 2008

Huge toddler food cookup 2012

Your best pasta recipe ever please 2008

Meal ideas for a 'big' family!- 2007

What would you cook for this family? 2014

Mimi's menu, shopping list and tips...Version 2 2009

Please help me with my grocery expenditure-2008

What's in your pantry's 'too hard basket'? 2008

Let's add our sauce recipes to add to pasta or rice 2010

Cranberry and Other Sauces for Turkey or Chicken or Ham Recipes 2016

Things to make at home (food) 2010

Cooking from scratch 2011

'Frugal but Healthy Recipes' for Penny Wise plus (anyone else) 2014

Simple recipes for simple male with children and no time to cook 2006 Ron Joyce-Fry

Cheapest meal you make 2007

Cheap, tried and tested recipes!! 2007

What is the cheapest meal per person you can do.2009

Cheap meals under $9 needed - 2010

A Few Cheap Meals....Maybe they can help you 2012

Cheapest and easiest recipes please 2014

Challenge/help: What's your cheapest tasty meal? 2014

68 cents a meal per person!2009

68 cents a meal per person! - #2 - Recipe Collection and Chat 2020

$50 weekly menu plan for two adults 2016

$2 dinner nights

cheap easy meals 2006

$2.50 Meals 2006 - single serves

Under $5 Dinners - Healthy, tasty and frugal!

Feeding a family of 6 for $120/week 2007

Feeding a family of 6 for $120/week MK 2 2008

Shopping list for family of 5 for $150 a week. Help please! 2008

Feed your family for under $5- 2008

baking for large families 2011

Dinner for less than $5 2007

Super, super, cheap dinners

$5 meals - add your favourite recipe!

Family meals under $4-5 dollars a meal (old title) 2010 - (Lea (WA) 5 weeks menu and recipes here.)

Need ideas for cheap meat meals..... 2012

Your best budget meal and snack? 2008

Looking for marinade recipes for meat! 2007

Who else loves an easy (almost) meat free oven bake 2008

What's your easiest recipe? 2009

no fuss recipes to feed 7 adults please 2008

Help please with surviving the next 11 days Some recipes here. Index p2

'Our favourite everyday meal' cookbook 2011

Cost effective vs healthy recipes - Being SS and healthy

I cannot cook without jars and packets 2010

Feeding the family on hot days 2008

Top ten... when you have nothing meals! 2009

What's on your list for a super cheap shop week? 2009

Quick, impressive lazy dinners 2008 Mimi

Favourite take-away copycat recipes 2008 Mimi

Recipes from "Recipes+" magazine 2007

Recipes from my magazine cull 2010

Best cheats recipes 2010 Mimi

Mock recipes 2007

Totally Aldi Recipes 2009

Your favourite recipe of all time 2011

What's your signature dish? 2007

What dish are you known for - your signature dish? 2008

What is the signature dish that you cook? 2012

What is your favourite vegetable side dish/dish? 2011

Your Favourite Comfort Food! 2007

Kids' meals 2008 [Kimmie 9 rec ]

What do you feed your young kids? 2008

Teenagers 2004

Healthy baking for kids - please share your recipes! Thank you! 2012

I hate cooking dinner (seriously hate it) 2010

DreamingofLESS' (DOL's) recipes from her threads 2015 - Budget recipes Gazelle's index + New index ****

What would you feed a family of 4 for a meal if you had $10.00 only? 2015

Help - a quick $700 is needed- 2010

What's for Dinner? - 2007 - 2018 Recipe Collection 2019 new

Menu Plan Recipe SS Collection 2019 new

Today I made... - #2 2014

Menu planning inspiration. 2006

Grocery shopping - menu plan 2007 64p - Great menu plan here

Menu plan for a friend - little food, no money - help please! 2007

Menu examples and ideas! 2009

I need some ideas to change my weekly menu 2012

What are some yum,gourmet (cheap) romantic recipes 2009

Let's share our own menu plans 2006

$75 per week menu plan with healthy SS recipes 2012 Links working

Help with a menu - super tight week! 2012

Cookbook snobs recipe thread 2012

Recipes Nursing Mothers - NMAA 2019

Retro foods....what's your favourite bit of nostalgia? 2008

SS kid's cooking class...January task...join in! 2010

Taking control of our own budget and reaping the rewards - #3 2014

Pantry Meals 2017

Cost saving recipes - especially for families 2009

A family of 7 costs $579 a week in 2010 piglet recipes

Portion control and nude food challenge! 2008 Mimi

Tupperware Jel Ring Mould - recipes please? 2014


Take a can of Evaporated Milk - RECIPES 2015

Condensed Milk 2016

Nutella Recipe Collection for Nutella Lovers 2018


Any ideas on how to use up yukky coffee? 2007

Gourmet coffee recipes 2013


Making favourite soup - what's your favourite? 2007

Soup, soup, glorious soup 2008

Is soup for dinner enough? 2010

Soup is bubbling and the pennies are piling 2013

Pulse Soup Collection from McKenzie's 2017

Pearl Barley Recipes - SS Collection 2020


Salad, glorious salad. Recipes please; your best :) 2011

Salad recipes 2007

An interesting salad??? 2007

Boring salads :-( 2007

Salad recipes please 2009

Pasta, rice and potato salad recipes please 2010

What's your easiest & cheapest salad for summer? 2010

Quick, easy (and nice) salads please!! 2013


Herb and Spice Mixes/ Packet Dinner Mixes 2008

Uses for fresh mint - plant growing very well- 2009

Fresh Mint - ideas??/ 2007


100 things to do with a pound of mince beef 2008 thread link also in downloads

100 things to do with a pound of mince beef - #1

OMG Soooo much mince! 2008

Mince and Cabbage 2007

101 Great Hamburger and veg, vege, veggie, vegetarian 2007

Wanted: Recipes for Sausage Mince Please? 2007

How many different meals can you get from 1kg mince? 2008

Oh woops, bought Chorizo sausage - what can I cook please? 2007

sausages 2008

Humble Sausage Recipes Collection 2015

Time for the beef recipes 2006 Ron Joyce-Fry

Pork recipes for cookbook 2006 Ron Joyce-Fry

I am looking for recipes for lamb shanks 2007

Tell me about corned beef please 2007

Tips for a better Corned Beef please 2011

Julie Stafford no sugar/low fat ice cream recipe 2008 - Mixed recipes


Cheap tasty chicken recipes 2006 [KISS Cook Book] Ron Joyce-Fry

Economical drumsticks for dinner 2006

Chicken carcass recipes 2007

What can I do with chicken breasts? 2007

Chicken mince 2007

Chicken mince - arrrgggg! 2007

Chicken Mince Recipe Collection - SS 2021

10 minute butter chicken - secret recipe 2008 (5 Star)

20 kilos of chicken legs - need recipes for casseroles pls 2008

Chicken thigh recipes - can anyone help?2009

Ur fave chicken recipe... need some Quick ideas 2010

Do you know how to make KFC items from home? 2010

Inspired recipes please using chicken thigh fillets 2012

Chicken wing recipe collection - please add your recipes here 2014

Lost recipe for chicken cacciatore 2014

One Chicken, Many Meals....Mimis' way 2014

Dump chicken - please help me find it! 2007 index - frozen raw chicken


Fish/seafood Recipes for cookbook Ron Joyce-Fry 2006 Ron Joyce-Fry

Recipes and ideas using canned tuna?

Does anyone do anything amazing with canned Tuna?

Tuna Curry 2008

Seafood chowder recipes please 2008

Wanted curry recipes & fish recipes 2009

marinade/sauce for seafood marinara mix/squid ring 2009

Recipes for canned tuna/salmon - have any? 2011

Tuna Mornay recipes 2011

Take a Can of Tuna Recipes SS Collection 2019

Salmon Recipes SS Collection 2019

More Sardine Recipes 2019


Too much ham!!

Lets Cook Deli Foods 2008

Spam recipes 2007

What to do with a roll of mortadella? 2008


Thai noodle recipe...for Tracy H and Katrina H...enjoy! 2007

help with 2 min noodles 2011

101 Great rice recipes 2008

Bill Granger's oven yummy & easy... 2009

Risotto Recipe Collection - SS 2021

Cooking with buckwheat 2015


How to Preserve Eggs - all methods 2019

3 dozen eggs, what to do? 2007

Good golly! Given 40 eggs! 2008

How many ways can you serve eggs for dinner? 2012

9 egg yokes how can I use them. 2009

Eggless recipes -2007

Eggless Baking SS Collection 2019

Any egg free cake recipes, please? 2008

Dairy and egg free cookie help please! 2008

Egg-free cake recipe-2006

5 cups...cake 2007

Hard Boiled Eggs SS Collection - 2017

Impossible lasagne pie... ALDI meal planner recipe... 2008

Pavlova recipe? 2012

Pavlova - Meringues - Tortes - Gateau Recipe Collection SS 2022


Butterless Baking 2017


Home-made Yogo's for kids 2007

EasiYo - Easi how to make yoghurt - Mk VI


Lemon tart - Mrs Bugs 2007 Mrs Bug's recipes here

Apple Recipe Collection - SS 2021

Cooking a cake using apple sauce 2008

Apple recipes 2009

Recipe other than pie for tinned apples? 2007

Apple Slice or Apple Cake recipe wanted? 2007

Irish apple cake 2007

Apples, Olives n other yummy fruit recipes 2011

Banana recipes? 2007

Best ever banana bread recipe? 2008

Looking for a recipe for Gloria Jeans Banana Bread 2008

Best banana recipes? Toooo many bananas 2009

Bananas, Bananas and More Bananas - Recipe Collection 2016

Passionfruit Recipes Collection - SS 2017

Pears, pears and more pears!

Mango Recipe Collection SS 2021

Lemon Recipes 2006 AW

Lemon curd 2006

Lemon curd recipe please 2014

What to do with a tree full of lemons? 2008

What can I make or do with heaps of fresh lemons? 2008

Recipes for lemons please 2009

What are your favourite recipes using fresh lemons? 2014

Lemon cake recipe - Anyone have a favourite? - 2015

Lemon and orange uses/recipes please! 2015

Lemon Recipes Collection SS 2023

Orange Recipe Collection SS 2021

plums, peaches, zucchini and tomatoes...arrr help! 2011 - few preserves

Cheap tinned pineapple recipes needed please 2009

Pineapple Recipe Collection SS - 2017

Berry yummy recipes here :) 2008

Recipes for Mulberries 2007

Rhubarb Recipe Collection - SS 2017

Strawberry Recipes SS Collection 2018

Quick orange cake 2007

Cherry Ripe Slice 2007

What to do with prunes? 2007

Plums Recipe SS Collection 2019

Prune Recipes SS Collection 2019

Watermelon Recipe Collection SS 2019


Ginger and lemon slice recipe needed 2013


75 things to do with potatoes 2008*

Potato recipes please - need to use up 10kg bag 2008

What to do with 1kg of mashed potato? 2008 - lot of breads

Mashed potato - What can I make? 2010

Pumpkin recipes for $21 challenge needed please 2006

Pumpkin recipes please 2007

Pumpkin Cheesecake 2007

Solutions Required for the Pumpkin Glut 2008

Pumpkin recipes 2009

A Heap of Pumpkin Recipes - for a sweet tooth 2009

Pumpkin recipes - add yours 2010

One Humble Pumpkin Makes a Myriad of Meals 2011

The best pumpkin cake ever! 2011

What to do with cans of creamed corn?-2010

Cherry Tomato Recipes 2007

Take a Can of Tomatoes Collection SS -2017

Eggplant - Aubergine SS Collection 2017

Carrot recipes please 2009

Things to do with beetroot 2009

Fresh and Canned Beetroot - SS Recipe Collection 2016

Celery the Versatile Vegetable - Recipes 2015

Sweet Potato - Recipe Collection SS 2016

Sweet potato - what can I make? 2010*

Cabbage - Recipes Collection SS 2016

Carrot Recipe SS Collection - 2017

Cauliflower Recipes Collection - SS 2017

Asparagus Recipe SS Collection - 2017

Help! Too much asparagus 2008

Zucchini recipes... Add your own... 2010

bumper zucchini crop - Recipes please? 2009

Zucchini recipes needed 2007

Large box of chopped zucchini what to do ??? 2008

Zucchinis... zucchinis... and more zucchinis 2009

Recipes for capsicum please? Have an abundance... 2009

Silverbeet - recipes please 2009

Silverbeet or Spinach Recipe Collection 2017

Yummy Spinach recipes, please. 2007

Adding more fruit & vegies to food - helpful for children 2009 ****Shazzl (VIC) index

Adding more fruit & veg to 2011

All these recent recipes sound great but... 2007

Fussy eating - deceptively fooling your toddler 2008

Cucumber Recipes Collection - SS 2018

Capsicum - Bell Peppers Recipes SS Collection 2019


dahl 2006

Split pea recipes - anything besides soup??

Split pea recipes please

Dried Chickpeas 2007 deleted

Soups using chickpeas 2007

Chickpeas (Garbanzo) Recipes 2008

What to do with cans of chickpeas? I tried this salad yum 2012

Chickpea salad recipe please?! 2012

Love your lentils and save $ 2005

Anyone have lentil recipes? 2007

Collecting legume recipes and ideas 2008

Looking for canned baked beans recipes 2007

Baked bean recipes that my kids will eat! 2018

Three bean mix and red kidney beans 2008

Dave Ramsey inspired 'beans and rice' thread 2011

Recipe - pumpkin & chickpea curry? 2011

Beans and Rice Recipe SS Collection 2020

Bean Recipe Collection SS 2020

Quinoa & please! 2008


120 bickies for $4! 2006 hint

Fruit cake made with tea 2006

3 Ingredients Fruit Cake Collection - SS 2016

Breadmaker recipes - place yours here please 2008

Homemade bread in 5 minutes a day 2009

20 minute scrolls from your breadmaker 2004

Cakes in breadmaker 2007

Bread machine recipes 2011

Yeast-Free Bread Recipes SS Collection 2020 new

Weetbix Recipe Collection - SS

Unused cereal, what can I do with it?-2008

Recipes for using up cornflakes anyone? 2007

Ways of Using Stale Bread - Recipes 2014

All Bran Please?

High fibre cake/loaf 2007

Rolled oats recipe collection 2009

Breakfast Muffins? 2010

Breakfast ideas 2007

Pancake recipes - help please 2008 DG

Best ever savoury pancakes (and sweet)? Yummo -2009

What's your favourite date recipe please? 2010

Date Roll Recipe - Like Grandma used to make 2008

Low fat and secrets to success... 2008 Mimi

Time saving baking for savvy domestic goddesses! 2009 Mimi

Who is baking/cooking up this weekend? 2008

Baking day - what have you made today? 2009

Baking recipe using sour cream 2008

Some baking recipes 2009

Recipes healthier options 2009

How about this for a simple slice recipe? 2006 Ron Joyce-Fry

Does anyone have any melt and mix recipes 2007

Need slice recipes that have lemon icing? 2008

Save the slice recipes here please

Basic slice recipe please?

Simple slice 2009

Cherry Ripe Slice 2007

Biscuit and slice suggestions 2014

Marshmallow slice 2007

Easy, cheap apricot slice 2008 - mixed + cakes

Biscuit and slice suggestions 2014

Lattice slice recipe 2013

18 microwave snacks you can cook in a mug 2013


Fig jam CWA cook book 2009

Request for chocolate cake recipe on CWA TV program 2007

CWA biscuit recipe 2009


Does anyone have a Chocolate Hedgehog recipe? 2007

Faye, your carrot cake recipe is amazing! 2008

Add favourite cake recipe here no 1.

Add favourite cake recipe here ... no 2

Could anyone send me a yummy chocolate cake recipe? Thanks! 2008

The most fantastic chocolate cake ever! 2010

Add your favourite loaf recipes here! 2010

Boiled fruit cake 2010

Any recipe idea for an inexpensive moist & delicious Christmas cake? 2013

basic cake,vanill,a butter, chocolate 2008

Cafe style banana bread from home 2007

Cake/slice/biscuit recipes without loads of butter/sugar

Cake mix cookies and all their variations - updates 2014

Baking biscuits - ideas for variety 2013

Recipe for cookies or cake in a jar for present

Jessica's cakes--all my recipes in one place 2016

Ideas for using up broken biscuits (lots of them!)...? 2008

Recipes that use ginger nut biscuits, please 2009

Recipes for Using Plain Biscuit Packets SS Collection -2017 plus 1934 recipes

What is your best ever biscuit or cookie recipe? 2007

Healthy lunchbox slices, biscuits, muffins for school? 2008

Favourite thing to bake? 2009 - cakes

Keeping the cake tins full 2013

Chocolate crackles without copha please? 2011

Whats your favourite baking recipe? 2008

What's baking #1 2011

Need a fast baking idea 2011


Savoury biscuit recipes? -2006

Savory treat recipes-2013

Savoury slice recipes for lunch boxes? 2016

Fave low fat recipes 2007

Nanna's wholesome slices & cakes (for Mimi) 2008

Home-made muesli bars 2003

Home-made LCM bars - 2004

Muesli bar recipe economical for kids 2004

Muesli bar recipe with peanut butter? 2007

Homemade Muesli Bar - what holds them together? 2008

Homemade muesli bars 2009

muesli bars from muesli 2010

Muesli bar recipes - help please 2009

Low fat sugar free recipes, can you help? 2012

Byron Bay Caramel Bliss Balls, recipes please?? 2010

What can I make with leftover porridge? 2009

Cheese scones for a tasty sandwich alternative 2006

Cake stall - bestsellers 2008

School fete cake stall ideas and when should I start? 2009

Honey cake recipe needed 2008 + Breads + Slices

A kg of honey, now what to do with it? 2007 mixed rec


custard and custard powder recipes wanted 2007

Custard powder recipes please 2009


no bake recipes- ideas please 2008

No bake recipes - help needed 2008

No bake biscuits/slices etc 2009

No bake/cook snacks 2009


All my impossible pie recipes sweet/savoury 2008 **** Clutterhen index

I need a basic bread and butter pudding recipe 2009

Impressive, quick, cheap desserts - help! 2008

Hot dessert ideas needed for family dinner! 2007

Cheapest desserts you can make 2010

Sharing old fashioned desserts (no egg) recipes 2010

Slow cooker dessert recipes please! 2010

Favourite no bake quick & easy take a dish desserts 2016

Recipes using bread? Waste not want not.. 2009


No bake cheesecake recipe?? 2006

Post your best cheesecake recipe here! 2008

Low fat cheesecake base for large cheesecake? 2009

3 or 4 ingredient sweet treats...add your recipes here 2008

Chocolate self saucing pudding recipe? 2007

Self-saucing puddings, I'd love some recipes 2010

Old fashioned ice cream recipes 2007

3 litres ice cream for under $2 2008

Ice cream recipe without cream? (is this possible?) 2008

Desserts and sweet treats for recipe book 2006 Ron Joyce-Fry

Popsicles, Pops and Ice Blocks Collection SS 2018


Children's camping recipes 2009

Great Camping Recipes 2011

12 day camping meal planner 2011


Easy chicken chow mein - 2011 School Canteen recipes - Serves 10+

Rusty brain, need help with menu 2013 - Pub meals suggestions


Crockpot Greek lamb...melt-in-the-mouth...mmmm 2008 Mimi's

Mimi's helping hand to part-preparing meals to save big dollars 2012

Mimi's helping hand to part-preparing meals to save big dollars No. 2 2012 - closed

Helping hand to pre-prepare meals and save big $$$ No. 3 2012 - closed

Helping hand to pre-prepare meals and save big $$$ No. 4 2012 - closed

Helping hand to pre-prepare meals and save big $$$. No. 5 2012

Preparing meals for the cooler weather...slow cookers, braised things and one pot meals

Summertime and the cooking is easy...saving $$ when the heat is on! Index p4

Preparing meals ahead and looking after yourself in winter!

Preparing meals ahead for spring...crisp salads, juicy fruits, cooling desserts

Preparing meals ahead...soups, sauces, braises and bakes. 2014

Recipes for autumn/winter 2007

Winter Warmers - Caserole & Stew Recipes 2009

Mimi's favourite winter warming recipes 2009

Hot winter desserts, what's your favourite? Links in OP 2012


OAMC 2006 [plans & recipes]

What's your best frozen meal recipes? 2006

Does anyone know site for OAMC vegetarian plans & recipes? 2007

Help - meals to freeze 2007 - Dump Chicken in here.

OAMC - I have to brag and ask for ideas : ) 2007

Recipe file - OAMC and freezer recipes plus more 2008 see p3 recipes

Once a month (ish) cooking 2012

Once a week cooking - anyone want to join in? 2013

No meat meals for the freezer please 2020


Old recipes to share

Super easy recipes for non cooks 2010

The most basic crockpot recipe you have please 2012

Recipes from Gran's cookbook 2007

Grandmas recipe books 2008

Old newspaper recipes from my scrapbook 2007 Muirin ****

Lost Art of Handwritten Recipes 2014


4 ingredients 2008

4 ingredients 2009

New '4 ingredient' recipes thread 2009

Do you have a favourite 4 Ingredients meal? 2011

Take one ingredient... 2010


Menu planning recipes - Jan/mre 2014

Menu planning recipes - Jan/mre - #1 2016

Easiest recipes-2013

Your best recipes please

I'm known for my... [recipes]

Quick, impressive lazy dinners

You have 30 mins - emergency recipes - GO! 2011

Scrumdidlyumcious - Gourmet - Quick and Economical! 2008 Kimmie's

Show me all your wonderful Microwave recipes 2008

Recipes for teens wanted

Favourite take-away copycat recipes 2008

When you feel like takeaway try these instead... 2008

Singles & couples: cheap, good, healthy food & lifestyle 2009

Budget Cooking For a Single Person 2023

"Hungry for change" recipe thread

Get organised for back to school - lunch & snacks to freeze

Back to school baking!

Lunch box fillers 2006 Ron Joyce-Fry

Gourmet freezer sandwiches 2006

Seasonings - a thread to collect them all 2008


Cob Dip recipes -2006

Recipes for home made dips 2006

Your favourite first course/entree 2007

Six different Middle Eastern dip recipes to try 2007

SS dip recipes 2008

Favourite dip recipes 2008

Recipes for Dips 2014

2022 July $1 TREATS Calendar Challenge


Home-made sausage rolls 2007

Cheap snacks to make? -2007

Favourite savoury snacks - need ideas 2008

Posh nibbles... add cheap bubbly for instant celebration! 2008

Doing Christmas Day nibbles - need original ideas 2008

Nibbles needed for Sunday 2008

Upmarket nibbles at budget prices 2008

Easy canapes and nibbles for all times 2011

Making nibblies without paying a fortune 2011

Vol au vent recipes 2007

Popcorn recipes 2008


Cordial with natural ingredients 2003 Hint

Homemade cordials 2006


Does anyone have a good Marmalade Recipe 2006

How to make Jams-help pls 2006

Stock your pantry with tomatoes 2008 hint

recommendation for a best choko chutney recipe ?? 2008

Preserving Recipes 2009 Sara's

The Simple Savings preserves cupboard: open now! 2009 Sara's [Index for this thread is in the next link]

The SS preserving cupboard: now filling shelf 2 2009 Sara's [here]

Please put all bottling recipes here (jams/pickles etc) 2008

Recipe for a stir fry sauce for bottling? 2009 Sara's

Preserving & canning #1

Welcome to Summer! (UK style...) 2009 Preserving recipes


Pie maker recipes - collect all in one thread 2008

I'm in love with my pie machine! 2007 deleted [recipes are in the above thread.]

Your favourite pie maker recipe? 2007

Pie machine recipes - post yours 2008

Dream pot for no fuss cooking- 2005

Eco Pot/Thermo Pot/other brands - Recipes in here... 2014

Bellini Kitchen Master - recipe test kitchen 2012 closed Carol (SA) Index ****

Bellini Kitchen Master recipe test kitchen #2 2012 Carol (SA) Index ****

SS Recipes for the Thermomix...2016


Easter recipes 2011


Lynette's Christmas recipes 2008 < 5 star thread


Head start on Christmas 2006

Christmas Recipes 2009

Christmas 2007

Xmas Day desserts 2008

Christmas pudding recipes 2014

Christmas Pudding -looking for old recipe 2008

Can you post your Christmas cake recipe pls? 2009

Christmas breakfast 2014

Crockpot Christmas...easy peasy! 2008


Vegetarian Christmas 2007

Christmas Day salad ideas 2015

Suggestions for savoury dish to take to Xmas lunch 2008

10 different new-style seasonings (stuffings) for poultry 2007 Ann Westerman

Christmas menus - what worked? 2006

Menu plan for Christmas 2007

Mimi's Christmas 2008...Feast for 20 for under $200 2008

Make now, bake later gifts for Xmas 2011


Leftover Christmas Fruit Cakes and Plum Puddings 2013

Christmas leftover recipe thread 2007


Foolproof recipe for edible Christmas treat wanted 2007

SS Recipe Collection to collate for Christmas Gift 2010

Christmas home-made gifts, list them here 2007 closed - Index

Christmas home-made gift ideas 2008 Index 2008

Successful Christmas gifts - preparing for 2008

Gifts from your kitchen year round. Start early! closed 2011

Gifts from your kitchen year round. Start early! #2! 2013

Homemade lolly/lollies/sweets recipe collection 2008

The Fudgeaholic Thread 2008 Kimmie


Easy Japanese cooking

Chinese, Thai, Asian recipes, I want them all! ;)-2011

Chinese recipes please 2007

Chinese cooking - recipes 2012

Thai noodle recipe...for Tracy H and Katrina H...enjoy!

Indian recipes

Indian side dishes

Daughter's Indian food homework 2009

Indonesian or Indian Dessert Recipes Please? 2009

Curries 2006

Curry lovers 2007

What is the trick to a fabulous curry? 2008

Curry recipes please 2011

What is your favourite curry recipe? 2013

What's your favourite curry recipe without tomatoes? 2016

Going with Indian style cooking to save money...

Bangladeshi Cuisine - Frugal Girl (WA) 's recipes 2010

Bangladesh Food Journey 2013

Calling all Sri Lankans please share your recipes 2008

Egyptian koshari - cheap & tasty

TexMex recipes

Family dinner party menu ideas 2010 - Mexican Fiesta

Help SS family - menu for 14 for 70th birthday 2012 few Italian

Crockpot refried beans - Like Mexican? You'll love these! 2008 Mimi

Southern USA recipes

Traditional Irish baking/recipes 2008

Irish Recipes 2009

Looking for an old recipe for German apple cake 2009

Recipe from my German parents 2010 hint


WW - progress, recipes and chat 2007

Weight Watchers friendly recipes 2007

Weight Watchers - low point recipes 2008

Weight Watchers Christmas 2008

Weight Watchers the SS way - 2011


Sugar free treats / baking 2011

Cant Bake - Please help foolproof recipes 2008


Pritikin cake recipe? 2007

Another Pritikin style recipe 2009

Date and dried apple spread Old Pritikin style rec 2009

Recipe for Diabetic Biscuits 2006

Diabetic friendly Christmas treats 2010

Diabetic recipes 2010

low GI slices - for diabetics please - Simple Savings 2010

Reversing type 2 diabetes - has anyone else managed to do this? - Simple Savings 2014

Mediterranean diet recipes 2016

The Dukan Diet Recipe Book 2010

Helping each other with Sugar Free - Low Carb Recipes 2009

17 Day Diet recipes 2011

Losin' it - Weight loss support - low carb, sugar, starch - XMAS 2010

Slimmers dinners to love and look forward to... droooool... 2008

Low GI recipe ideas that don't cost a fortune

Low GI - pls post recipes & snack ideas here...

Low carb, high fat recipes 2014

Symply Too Good To be True - Cookbooks 2016


Tofu meals 2007

Tasty tofu recipes please anyone? 2009

Tofu vegetable quiche 2013

Vegan Scrambled Tofu 2013


Calling Vegetarians/Vegans 2007

Hare Krishna meals - recipes please- 2008

Vegan recipes please 2009

vegan meals- what else should i cook with these? 2009

Vegan morning tea. What to serve please? -2008

vegetarians meals that can be frozen 2008

Fast Easy Delicious nondairy Vegetarian Recipes 2010

Cheap, healthy vegetarian meals needed pls...2010

Going partly vegetarian... what to eat?-2011

Vegan recipes (no meat, no dairy, no egg!) 2012

30 day Vegan challenge. Support appreciated! 2013 -Mimi blog

Hands up if you're vegan. Recipe swap and discussion :) 2013

Anyone have a vegan monthly menu plan? 2014

Vegetarian or Vegan Potato Recipes Collection 2015 > new title

Vegan Party food for little people - fun!! 2017

Attempting to menu plan 2012 Vegetarian

Vegan Christmas Recipes and Menus Please 2019


Vegetarian recipes 2006 Roy Joyce- Fry

Vegetarian recipes for cookbook 2006 Ron Joyce-Fry

Help Please! 'NO MEAT' Main meal ideas? 2007

Cheap, meat free, family friendly meals please? 2007

Vegetarian Christmas 2007

Vegetarian tips needed 2008

Favourite vegetarian recipes 2008

Any vegetarians willing to share their weekly meal plan? 2008

Vegetarians recipes and menu plans 2008

It's National Vegetarian Week! 2009

Vegetarian meals suitable to freeze - recipes please 2009

Vegetarians - your advice please 2009

Vegetarian mains 2010

Low fat, vegetarian, cheap meal ideas needed 2010

Recipe for a good vegetarian curry that carnivores will love? 2013

Vegetarian only plz, slow cooker recipes :) 2010

OMG - DH wants to be a vegetarian! 2009

Vegetarian meals needed 2011

Vegetarian advice needed 2013

Vegetarian freezable meals (i.e lasagne, soup) 2015

What's your favourite veggie dish? 2009

Vego meals for a meat loving family, help needed. 2011

No meat meal ideas 2008 Kimmie recipes

Meatless meal ideas !! 2007

Vegetarian Meals - Main Meals without Meat 2007

Egyptian Koshari - cheap & tasty 2009

Smart chilli absolutely delicious and cheap! 2008 (5 Star )

Help - Vegetarian nachos recipe needed! 2011

Any Raw Foodists out there?!? -2008

Mostly raw healthy sweeties for children all sizes 2011


Gluten Free

Do you love cooking? Here's a challenge pls help:) - CSID 2010

Variety with gluten free cooking<--

Gluten free cupcake or muffin recipes please

Gluten free, dairy free dessert ideas?

Dairy free, gluten free tried and tested dessert please?

Gluten free menu ideas please

Some of my gluten free recipes

Gluten free cooking thread - closed 2008

Gluten free cooking thread 2

Help - need gluten/dairy free, IBS-friendly sweets recipes! 2007

Gluten free Christmas recipes

Gluten Free Christmas recipes please. 2017

Gluten, dairy, corn product free homemade sweets? 2009

Thermomix and gluten free - recipes please 2011

Gluten free friand recipes 2015

Gluten free cake recipe please 2007

Gluten free baking help 2015

What can I cook for a friend who is Coeliac? 2009

Recipes needed for impressive gluten free baking 2011

Please share your favourite/best gluten free recipes 2013

Gluten free dinner ideas? 2006

Flourless chocolate cake 2007

Help I have to plan a Gluten Free birthday party 2010

Gluten Free Breakfast Recipes 2020

Ideas please for gluten free high protein pikelets/pancakes 2020

Baking and health 2011


Any ideas on 'How to deal with allergies or food intolerances' in School Lunch Box

Failsafe yummies & recipe to keep DH & the kids happy

Fructose malabsorption recipes 2009

Vegetarian gluten, fructose, lactose-free recipes? 2010

low carb low cost food and recipes 2013 blog


Recipes from the Depression era 2006

Hints from the depression era 2006

Hints from the depression era - Mk 2

No spend 2008 -2014 - recipes 2011


Grow Your Own Drugs Show - recipes 2009

Anyone know how to make moisturizers or cream with bees wax? 2008

Home made beauty products 2008 [70 posts]

Home made beauty products 2008 Kimmie [7 posts]

Homemade beauty products - list them here 2008 [32 posts]

Homemade bath soaks & recipes - good Christmas presents! 2007 [30 posts]

2019 May - FRUGAL BEAUTY - SS Calendar Challenge


Doggie treats 2009


Help thread for finding threads if you can't find them! - Links only.

eta - This post has been updated 10/12/2018 and revamped it's now 20 pages and still growing.


103 new indexes and threads added for 2017

114 new indexes and threads added for 2018

190 New indexes and threads added in 2019 - 2021


(post has been edited)


Here is a basic guideline for portion size shopping for each adult person.

Each meal
Raw Protein - 5oz (142g)
Raw Carb - 4oz (144g)
Raw Starch - 3oz (85g)

As it's in ounces, I think it came from American website.

I posted the above in the Waste Not Want Not 20

This got me thinking about how much all extra we are eating since 1972. Some of you may ask what happen in 1972, Australia changed to Metric in 1972.

When worked out grams amount I took the extract equivalent amount, but if you use metric equivalent it's a lot higher. 30g = 1oz & extract amount = 28.35g

It's the same with ounce, 8oz cup, pint and pound (lb)

Extract equivalent amounts

Ounce = 28.35g & metric equivalent 30g

8oz cup = 226.8ml & metric equivalent 250ml

Pint 20oz = 568ml & metric equivalent 600ml

Pound 16oz = 453.5g & metric equivalent 500g

Kilogram = 1000g or 2lbs 7oz

Litre = 1000ml or 1.75 pints (35oz) 4.375 cups (8oz cup)

No wonder everyone is getting fatter since 1972.

Ounce up by 1.65g to 30g

8 oz cup up by 23.2ml to Metric cup 250ml

Pint (20oz) up by 32ml to 600ml

Pound up by 46.5g to 500g

Then we were told to buy and use 1000g or 1000ml lots it's cheaper for whom certainly not our waistlines.

Upsizing the metric conversion back in 1972 may have a lot to do with obesity and many health problems we have now. We have got into the habit of upsizing our portions and so has big businesses too!

Even our crockery (dinner sets) had to be changed to allow the food to fit on the plates.

In the cookbooks we were told to use one measurement only in our cooking but this made it easier for the sell more goods as we were serving our families extra portions with each meal by using metric conversion which came the norm. Oh that little extra won't matter now 39 years later they are telling us we are eating to a large portion so have we up sized again. I think it's time to downsize not upsize our food intake.

When I first went shopping for food back in 1972, I refused to buy by the kilo bought only the amount that I needed and still do to this today. If I wanted Deli meats, cheese or other treats, I will buy extract number of slices or to the nearest number of grams that I need. If I need 2 chicken breasts for a recipe then its only 2 chicken breasts that what I will buy.

I still can use any old recipe as I still have the measuring equipment to do so.

Little more information

I can't get an exact date on the change over to metric conversion but it started in 1972 and my free

Metric Conversion slide was printed in 1972

1972 The packaging of grains, dairy products and eggs went metric and the SI system was introduced to primary school education. (International System of units = SI Units)

1976 By the end of 1976, all packaged goods were required to be labelled in metric sizes

History of Metric Conversion

(post has been edited)